PREDIF and accessible tourism

Accessible tourism is the solution so that this right is respected. It is our understanding at PREDIF that this implies the incorporation of measures that facilitate access, the use and enjoyment of the tourism infrastructures, products, environments and services in a normalized, autonomous and safe manner. In other words, it is not simply that the person with a disability has transport and a suitable hotel: will also want to eat, visit museums, stroll through parks and along country tracks or take part in recreational activities.
The lack of accessibility of tourism resources is an indirect, but subtle way of discrimination. Thus, by introducing the concept of accessible tourism in destinations, we are helping with the equal opportunities of all people.
Accessible tourism is an example whereby social action and economic boost go hand in hand. There is a great deal of legislation at an international, national and regional level that calls for a response to this challenge of the tourism sector. PREDIF Works to promote accessible, inclusive and socially responsible tourism, so that gradually it stops being an isolated solution and becomes an everyday reality.
chairs the Inclusive Leisure and Tourism Commission of CERMI (Spanish Committee of Representatives of Persons with Disabilities), and its accessibility protocols and criteria have the consensus of the entire disability sector.
Reasons for advocating tourism for all
It is a right of all citizens to access, use and enjoy the tourism facilities, assets, products and services.
It is a factor of social integration.
Accessibility is an essential element of tourism resources.
It does not require any major investment.
It is a business opportunity: it raises the market share by 4 million potential clients in Spain and 500 million around the world.
People with disabilities are "multi-clients".
It favours the “deseasonalization” of the tourism sector.
It improves the image of companies and of the destination projecting them as socially responsible.