PREDIF is currently acknowledged as a benchmark organization for accessible tourism. Our organization chairs the Inclusive Leisure and Tourism Commission of CERMI (Spanish Committee of Representatives of Persons with Disabilities), and its accessibility protocols and criteria have the consensus of the entire disability sector.
Since 2002, PREDIF has been developing an Inclusive Tourism programme through which it works to raise awareness, provide training and consultancy services and research about accessibility and customer care for people with a variety of different needs in tourism and leisure activities, in collaboration with public sector entities, foundations and private companies in the sector.
We believe that this programme helps to normalize tourism for people with disabilities and with accessibility needs in general.
Our aim is that this collective, like everyone else, should be able to use and enjoy the settings, products, services and cultural assets of any tourism destination.
Our strengths
We are the most experienced social entity working in the field of Accessible and Inclusive Tourism and the very first to advocate accessibility in the Spanish tourism sector.
We chair CERMI’s Inclusive Leisure and Tourism Committee (Spanish Commission of Representatives of Persons with Disabilities) and we monitor the agreement between CERMI and the Spanish Secretary of State for Tourism.
The methodology we employ for analysing accessibility of tourism resources has received the consensus and been approved by the national social entities that represent people with disabilities in Spain. Periodically, the methodology is updated and checked by the associative disability movement.
In 2006 we carried out on behalf of Madrid City Council the very 1st Accessible Tourism Guide in Spain. Presently, we are the only entity to carry out “Accessible and Inclusive Tourism Guides” that consider physical, visual, hearing and cognitive accessibility. We have reviewed more than 4,000 tourism establishments in Spain.
With the backing of the Fundación Vodafone España, we created the 1st Accessible Tourism Mobile App in the world, TUR4all. Said application now enjoys the support of the Spanish Secretary of State for Tourism with its status as an Emprendetur project.
We award the TUR4all Accessible Tourism Insignia to tourism resources analysed by PREDIF and which endeavour to improve the accessibility of their facilities and services. To be awarded the insignia, the establishment or tourism resource must comply with the minimum accessibility requirements as stipulated by PREDIF.
We are the first entity to have drafted a Strategic Accessible Tourism Plan in Spain. It was carried out for Galicia and others are currently underway for the city of Barcelona and the Autonomous Region of Valencia.
We collaborate with SEGITTUR (State Corporation for the Management of Innovation and Tourism Technologies) in smart destination consultancy projects for 6 Spanish destinations and in the drafting of Spanish System Management standard PNE 178501 for smart tourism destinations. Requirements.
Since 2006 we have been members of the AENOR normalization committees which draft the Tourism Quality Q standard. We are also part of its accreditation committee.
We were awarded the "Q de Calidad Turística" prize for our work in the field of Accessible and Inclusive Tourism.
PREDIF was awarded the CERMI 2015 Award, in the Inclusive Cultural Activitycategory with its “Art and Culture for all” project.