The Project
In 2012, PREDIF and Fundación Vodafone created the very first version of TUR4all the aim of which was to provide users with accurate information checked by experts about the accessibility of tourism establishments across Spain.
Up until 2016, TUR4all was simply an application and web page where users were able to consult information, but users wanted to be able to recommend accessible tourism establishments.
For this reason, both entities thought it important to breathe new life into the project and convert TUR4all into a community of active users and tourists with accessibility needs into influencers of accessible tourism.
The new improved version of the platform allows users to:
Help the accessible tourism resource database to grow through collaborative effort, whereby the users are the protagonists.
Generate user interaction plus interaction between users to create an active community that is connected to the social networks.
Internationalize TUR4all and include information about tourism resources outside Spain.
Use the platform in 10 languages: Spanish, English, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Catalan, Valencian, Basque and Galician
Provide the local authorities of tourism destinations and the proprietors tourism resources and services the opportunity to learn about the opinions of their clients with accessibility needs.
As with the first version, TUR4all provides information about the physical, visual, hearing and cognitive accessibility as well as other types of traveller needs.
Our aim with TUR4all is to improve accessible tourism around the world and to empower tourists with accessibility needs to share information about their accessible destinations and experiences and to give others the confidence to travel.
Similarly, we wish to raise awareness among tourist destinations and establishments about the advantages of accessibility for the development and growth of their businesses.
In conclusion, TUR4all is a solution for tourists, public administrations and private-sector companies alike.