TUR4all: Turismo accesible

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Raising awareness and providing training in Accessible and Inclusive Tourism is one of the key factors to capturing and subsequently satisfying this segment of the market.

Classroom sessions

Training Initiatives of the 4 UFCD’s (Short-Duration Training Units) – 25 Hours, part of the Portuguese National Qualification Catalogue – Certified Modular Training Sessions:

  • Inclusive Tourism – Opportunities and Challenges
  • Inclusive Tourism in the Hotel Sector
  • Inclusive Tourism in the Restaurant Sector
  • Inclusive Tourism in Tourism Activities

Seven-hour awareness-raising workshops include:

  • Theoretical Framework on Accessible Tourism and face-to-face testimonials from people with disabilities.
  • Group work – role play /experience of using support products: wheelchairs, courses that involve the use of blindfolds, etc.
  • To conclude, a debate with participants on the importance of providing tourism resources for all.

Online Training

Accessible Portugal Moodle