I provide exclusive wow road trips with a private guide in the whole Algarve region.
I want to offer the possibility to have a magic Wow Road Trip also for you who has special needs. First of all, it’s a road trip where the actual driving from A to B are a big part of the experience.
Let me know what you need and I will do my best to solve it. Don’t let go of your passion to experience wonderful things!
Elderly people or those who struggle with an illness that limits the energy can still enjoy my road trips.
My road trips are comfortable with a specious car and good AC. Most of the locations can be seen from inside the car and there is no long walks involved. I always have a plan B. If the energy runs out, we take an extra break or another road. Flexibility as a mind set is important for me.
If you can’t get in an out from the car yourself, you can bring a friend or an assistant without extra cost. Also working dogs are welcome. Many spots for breathtaking views can also been seen perfectly from the car.
If you need to bring a wheelchair it’s no problem. Algarve has plenty of wonderful locations with wooden decks that makes it easy to access. Notice that I don’t have a car where you can sit in the wheelchair while driving.
Welcome to contact me for your own wow day!
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