Sports facilities
Multisport sports courts (fronton, paddle tennis etc.)
The resource offers

Sports facilities
Multisport sports courts (fronton, paddle tennis etc.)
Information on the accessibility of this tourist resource has been provided by professionals.
Wheelchair circulation:
Establishment with more than one floor: Yes
Transit between floors via: Lift / lifts, steps / stairs
Dimensions of the cubicle:
With visual information: Yes
Lift buttons: In braille, highly embossed
Lift buttons at a suitable height for wheelchair users: Yes
Number of steps:
More than 3
Height of the step in cm: 16
Hand rail: Yes
Edge of the steps with a colour-contrasting, anti-slip strip: Yes
Toilet suitable for PRM: Yes
Access without changes in floor level:
Door width:
Greater than or equal to 78 cm
Door opening: Outward
Free turning space ? 150 cm of diameter:
Clear space to transfer to the toilet:
The space is at least 80 cm or greater: Left-hand side
Height of the toilet seat:
High (greater than or equal to 45 cm)
It has support bar(s):
Toilet grab bars: Left-hand side, right-hand side
The bars on the left-hand side are:
The bars on the right-hand side are:
Sink: With mixer tap, without pedestal
Customer service staff: Yes
Personal trained in atttentionto people with disabilities :
Personal available to support people with specific needs:
Personal with knowledge of Sign Language:
Changing rooms: Yes
Shower: Yes