TUR4all: Turismo accesible

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Contact information

Paseo Marítimo Antonio Banderas, s/n, Carretera de Cádiz, Málaga, 29004
Málaga, Málaga (Andalucía)

Tel 684 29 74 09

You may find it in

Escuela de Surf, Paddle & Wing La Térmica
Accessibility report

Information on the accessibility of this tourist resource has been provided by professionals.


Entrance: Inclined plane / ramp

Ramp information

The slope makes the ramp : Can be used autonomously

Name of the tourist resource clearly visible and legible: Yes

The entranceway analysed is: The main one

Inside circulation

Wheelchair circulation: Partial

Signposting: No

Outdoor areas

Uniform and non-slip pavement: Yes

Wheelchair circulation: Partial

Appropriate protection elements (handrail, banister, skirting board, etc.): Yes

Signs: No

Shaded rest area: Yes

Accessible furniture: Yes

Furniture & fittings

Benches: Yes

Adapted toilet in common areas

Toilet suitable for PRM: Yes


Access without changes in floor level: Yes

Door width: Greater than or equal to 78 cm

Door opening: Outward

Free turning space ? 150 cm of diameter: Yes

Clear space to transfer to the toilet: Yes

It has support bar(s): Yes


Toilet grab bars: Left-hand side, right-hand side

The bars on the left-hand side are: Fixed

The bars on the right-hand side are: Folding

Sink: Without pedestal, tap difficult to use

Services and amenities

Materials available: Yes

Support Products

PRM Parking

Parking lot reserved PRM: Yes


Next to the stablishment: Yes

Belongs to the stablishment: No

Surface of the parking lot: Horizontal

Well indicated: Yes

Outside areas

Sidewalks: Without obstacles

Uniform and anti-slip pavement: Yes