Entrance: No slopes
Name of the tourist resource clearly visible and legible: Yes
The entranceway analysed is:
The main one
Width of the entrance door:
Greater than or equal to 78 cm
Museums / Exhibition rooms
Information on the accessibility of this tourist resource has been provided by professionals.
Entrance: No slopes
Name of the tourist resource clearly visible and legible: Yes
The entranceway analysed is:
The main one
Width of the entrance door:
Greater than or equal to 78 cm
Customer service desk: Yes
Near the entrance: Yes
Height suitably adapted for wheechair users: Yes
Wheelchair circulation:
Adequate lighting:
Without elements that can suppose an obstacle for a person with a visual disability: Yes
Signs: With colour-contrasted texts, with texts in large print
Establishment with more than one floor: Yes
Transit between floors via: Lift / lifts, steps / stairs
Dimensions of the cubicle:
With audio information: Yes
With visual information: Yes
Lift buttons: Highly embossed, of contrasting colour
Lift buttons at a suitable height for wheelchair users: Yes
Number of steps:
More than 3
Height of the step in cm: 15
Hand rail: Yes
Visual and tactile warning strip before the step: Yes
Toilet suitable for PRM: Yes
Access without changes in floor level:
Door width:
Greater than or equal to 78 cm
Door opening: Outward
Free turning space ? 150 cm of diameter:
Clear space to transfer to the toilet:
The space is at least 80 cm or greater: Left-hand side, right-hand side
Height of the toilet seat:
High (greater than or equal to 45 cm)
It has support bar(s):
Toilet grab bars: Left-hand side, right-hand side
The bars on the left-hand side are:
The bars on the right-hand side are:
Sink: With mixer tap, without pedestal
Sufficient information provided about accessibility to the tourist resource :
Adapted visits or activities for people with disabilities:
Adapted visits or activities for people with disabilities: Visual, hearing, cognitive, physical
The furnishings facilitate the approach of wheelchair users:
Magnetic induction loop:
Information: Portable
Audioguides: Yes
Easy to use with comprehensible content: Yes
Sign language interpreter: Yes
Documentation with information about the tourist resource : Yes
Customer service staff: Yes
Personal available to support people with specific needs:
Personal with knowledge of Sign Language:
Reserved spaces / seats: Yes
Seats for wheelchair users: Yes
Materials available: Yes
Wheelchair manual: Yes
Other: ayudas para la lectura (anteojos de lectura, lupas)
Sidewalks: Without obstacles, paving stones
Uniform and anti-slip pavement: