TUR4all: Turismo accesible

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TUR4all Badge

This resource has been awarded the TUR4all badge for its commitment to the public with accessibility needs


Contact information

Rua Direita, 162 4910-153
Caminha (Matriz) e Vilarelho, Caminha (Viana do Castelo)

Tel +351 258 710 300

The resource offers

Assistance dogs allowed
Assistance dogs allowed
Visual signposting
Visual signposting

Valadares - Teatro Municipal de Caminha
Accessibility report

Information on the accessibility of this tourist resource has been provided by professionals.


Entrance: Embossed

The entranceway analysed is: The main one

Width of the entrance door: Greater than or equal to 78 cm

Obstacles at the doorway: Door difficult to open

Customer Service Area

Customer service desk: Yes


Near the entrance: Yes

Inside circulation

Wheelchair circulation: Partial

Adequate lighting: No

Signposting: Yes


Signs: With highly embossed texts

Establishment with more than one floor: Yes

Vertical itinerary

Transit between floors via: Steps / stairs

Stair information

Number of steps: More than 3

Height of the step in cm: 20

Hand rail: Yes

Adapted toilet in common areas

Toilet suitable for PRM: Yes


Access without changes in floor level: Yes

Door width: Greater than or equal to 78 cm

Door opening: Outward

Free turning space ? 150 cm of diameter: No

Clear space to transfer to the toilet: Yes


The space is at least 80 cm or greater: Left-hand side

Height of the toilet seat: High (greater than or equal to 45 cm)

It has support bar(s): Yes


Toilet grab bars: Left-hand side, right-hand side

The bars on the left-hand side are: Folding

The bars on the right-hand side are: Fixed

Sink: With mixer tap, without pedestal

Services and amenities

Customer service staff: Yes

Staff training

Personal available to support people with specific needs: Yes

Outside areas

Sidewalks: Paving stones

Uniform and anti-slip pavement: No