TUR4all: Turismo accesible

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Contact information

Thiemsburg (Schönstedt), 1 99947
Eisenach, Wartburgkreis (Thuringia)

Tel +49 361 573914000

The resource offers

Parking reserved for PRM
Parking reserved for PRM
Step-free access
Step-free access
Toilets reserved for PRM
Toilets reserved for PRM
Assistance dogs allowed
Assistance dogs allowed
Visual signposting
Visual signposting
Facilities for families with small children
Facilities for families with small children
Facilities for bicycles
Facilities for bicycles

User rating

Have you been able to reach and access the resource without trouble (100% positive responses)

Can a wheelchair user reach and access the resource without trouble (100% positive responses)

Are the necessary accessibility conditions properly advertised (100% positive responses)

Does it have an accessible bathroom (100% positive responses)

Does it have technical aids or specific measures for people with visual disabilities (100% positive responses)

Does it have technical aids or specific measures for people with auditive disabilities (100% positive responses)

Does it have technical aids or specific measures for people with cognitive disabilities (100% positive responses)

Would you recommend this resource to other people with disabilities (100% positive responses)


No overall rating.



These ratings have been made by users according to their own experiences, IMPULSA IGUALDAD is not to be held professionally responsible for the opinions expressed by them.

You may find it in

"Waldpromenade" por el sendero de las copas de los árboles en el Parque Nacional de Hainich
Accessibility report

Information on the accessibility of this tourist resource has been provided by professionals.


Entrance: No slopes, inclined plane / ramp

Ramp information

The slope makes the ramp : Can be used autonomously

Name of the tourist resource clearly visible and legible: Yes

Outdoor areas

Uniform and non-slip pavement: Yes

Wheelchair circulation: Partial

Appropriate protection elements (handrail, banister, skirting board, etc.): Yes

Signs: Yes


With colour-contrasting texts: Yes

Shaded rest area: Yes

Accessible furniture: Yes

Adapted toilet in common areas

Toilet suitable for PRM: Yes


Access without changes in floor level: Yes

Door width: Greater than or equal to 78 cm

Free turning space ? 150 cm of diameter: Yes

Clear space to transfer to the toilet: Yes


The space is at least 80 cm or greater: Left-hand side, right-hand side

Height of the toilet seat: Standard (between 40 and 45 cm)

It has support bar(s): Yes


Toilet grab bars: Left-hand side, right-hand side

The bars on the left-hand side are: Folding

The bars on the right-hand side are: Folding

Sink: Without pedestal

Services and amenities

Sufficient information provided about accessibility to the tourist resource : Yes

Adapted visits or activities for people with disabilities: Yes


Adapted visits or activities for people with disabilities: Visual, hearing, cognitive, physical

Documentation with information about the tourist resource : Yes

Brochures, dossiers, menus, etc.

Features of the documentation: In large print and contrastng colours

Materials available: Yes

PRM Parking

Parking lot reserved PRM: Yes


Next to the stablishment: Yes

Surface of the parking lot: Horizontal

Well indicated: Yes

With appropriate dimensions: Yes

Outside areas

Sidewalks: Without obstacles, street with slope

Uniform and anti-slip pavement: Yes